You feel after…

2 min readFeb 16, 2021

You may find you feel shocked and numb when you are first diagnosed with ________. It may feel as though this is happening to someone else and it can take weeks or months to sink in.

You may feel grief about the loss of your good health, the interruptions to your plans the loss of control over your life.

You may also feel very sad for the people close to you and the impact your situation is having on them.

You may feel very angry that this has happened to you and not to someone else.

Some people find that going through emotional difficulties makes them feel much stronger and more at peace than ever before.

People often describe a serious illness as a good thing, because they learn to appreciate the things that are really important.

It is important to allow yourself to feel happy and positive if you can. Don’t feel that you have to be serious all the time.

You may also find that everyone else tells you to be positive. It is important to allow yourself to feel sadness, fear or anger, for example. Acknowledging these feelings will make it easier for you to come to terms with your situation.

Many people treat their illness as a challenge and find a strength that they didn’t know they had.

to cure sometimes

to relieve often

to comfort always

